The Great Convergence: ReMix

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The Great Convergence: ReMix

A remade video game crossover RP, based around the concepts of Kingdom Hearts

3 posters

    Desert Winds

    Strider Hiryu
    Strider Hiryu

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    Desert Winds Empty Desert Winds

    Post by Strider Hiryu Thu Dec 12, 2019 8:47 pm

    "This place is quite.... sandy..." Cain commented as he walked out onto the streets of Agrabah, landing in this world for the first time. He still needed to get used to the sun, having lived in the Underworld since he regained sentience. The streets were line with rows of stands, carrying pots, fruits and other merchandise on sale. Yet he hadn't seen any signs of anyone perusing the stands. In fact, there wasn't actually anyone on the streets right now. Understandable, considering it had been near noon and from the declaration he read on one of the walls, people came out later in the day due to attacks from black monsters.

    "As if they'd never seen a Heartless before." With a shrug, he simply took a guava fruit and ate it. It was then that he heard a voice yelling out thief. Looking around, he noticed people were starting to come out in response to the yell. With a roll of his eyes, he replied by throwing some munny at the direction of the voice before using his own invisibility spell to avoid the owner of the fruit he took, figuring it was a merchant who wanted to get started early. Cain took the chance to leave quickly, reappearing in an alley. The clothes he had from when he revived having been replaced before he landed in the world. "Now let's see if I can find something interesting today." He peeked around the corners of the alley before walking back out.

    Last edited by Strider Hiryu on Fri Dec 13, 2019 3:11 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Gregzilla Fri Dec 13, 2019 7:49 am

    A figure in dark clothes walked the streets, oddly empty, a ways away from the emergent corporeal spirit. He had a hood up, but it did not obscure his appearance, merely helping to keep the sand out of his face, a consistent frown marring a relatively decent-looking appearance marked with bright blue eyes and snow white hair that belied his age in his early twenties. The high-technology sidearm in his silver-like hand was returned to his side, a threat of shadowy beings in the sands dealt with for the time being.

    Coming in from a recent sandstorm had been difficult, but not beyond reason. The hood of the jacket was dropped back, the jacket unzipped but kept on, allowing him a better look around. He had been considering a low-key fire protection to work into his armor in order to keep off minor heat, but it would have to wait. For the time being, he was just trying to get by, to work alone and avoid trouble. Nobody would want to deal with someone like him.

    In the distance, he saw the lines of the bazaar. Shaded stalls here and there, only a rare few people out and about. Even the stalls themselves shad only a few shopkeepers active. Perhaps they were preparing for a storm? But the walls would be keeping out the worst of it anyway, so why bother?

    There was one person, someone who apparently stole a piece of food of some sort before disappearing. The theft, which had apparently been paid for shortly thereafter, was followed immediately afterwards by the person apparently disappearing into thin air.

    Granted, turning invisible on the sandy streets of Agrabah was not as easy as it sounded, especially when one was able to see beyond the stalls. As such, Naito saw the footsteps in the sand as he walked off toward an alley, showing it to be invisibility, not teleportation, and emerged again some time later, visible once more.

    Whoever this person was, they both did not care about hiding their magic and did not have much care for morals or social mores. Not exactly unusual on the latter half, but as shown by the shopkeeper muttering in fear about "djinn" after the person disappeared before his very eyes, all that did was raise suspicion, not lower it.

    Whatever this person was doing, be it for good or ill, Naito didn't particularly care at the moment. What he did care about was someone roaming around who was strong enough to be careless with their power in a public place. And so, he followed, allowing himself to slip into the Yin formation of his own magic for more subversive means.
    Strider Hiryu
    Strider Hiryu

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Strider Hiryu Fri Dec 13, 2019 4:46 pm

    Cain continued walking, although this time, he was having a feeling. He felt as if someone was following him and quickly looked around. He saw no one and shook his head. "My time in the Underworld has me on edge when I shouldn't be. Especially when I have to find other Convergers like me. I really do need to find one from the Realm of Reality. I'm curious to know more about it." Shaking his head, he resumed walking, finding a couple of boxes in the corner.

    He looked around to make sure no one was watching. Once he was sure that the coast was clear, he climbed up on the boxes then at the top, he managed to grab the edge of a ceiling. After all, it was a pile of boxes high enough to reach halfway up a one story building. Cain then pulled himself up and got onto the roof of the building. "Now where to find a better vantage point?" He scanned around the area, but still felt on edge. His instincts from living day to day, surviving in the Underworld meant needing to be careful of his surroundings.

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Gregzilla Fri Dec 13, 2019 5:25 pm

    Whoever this was, he was exceptionally bad at maintaining a cover. Using very obvious magic in the middle of an (albeit minimally populated) urban area, attempting to use invisibility without taking into account the residue left over in a sand-coated area, and now deciding to climb up on (possibly somewhat anachronistic) wooden crates to get on to a roof. It would be truly a wonder if anyone ever went to him for advice on stealth.

    However, sarcasm aside, Naito could easily see where he was going. He hadn't even been really making an effort to keep out of sight of this person, even wanting to head over to him to tell what he was doing and perhaps get him to stop. But between his stealth problems and his apparent inability to see a tail, it was... frankly quite embarrassing.

    Rather than follow him up on to the roof, a fool's errand if he ever saw one, the white-haired lunar native just went over to a nearby stall to look over what supplies were available as the day began for them, keeping the figure he could see on the roof in the corner of his eye to make sure of what was going to happen next.

    He himself was hiding in his own way, but he was more willing to actually be a part of the world (in a sense), his soft tone of voice clear for the shopkeepers as he went around, but not enough to draw too much attention beyond his odd clothing. That said, the clothing itself did not seem to attract much attention, as they apparently already hd their own strangely dressed figures come by every so often, at times to deal with the threat of the monsters that invaded on occasion.
    Shining Goetia

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Shining Goetia Wed Dec 18, 2019 7:26 pm

    "Holy shit, it's hot in here!" Kara said, climbing up a box to the roof of one of the buildings in Agrabah. It was her first time out in the worlds since waking up in Radiant Garden and she wanted to get a better view of the city. After all, it's not everyday one gets to be inside of a place that appeared in a Disney movie.

    With a grunt, the black haired woman got up, a kind of helmet covering her head, leaving her hair out in full view. She looked around, her neck showing a bit of her skin, which was green in color. Seeing that the coast clear, she nodded. " Time to-"

    Kara then stopped, noticing someone also on the roof, scanning the area, as if keeping an eye on his surroundings. The woman knew she would look conspicuous, not having bothered to hide her RIG, wearing her vest, Her New Horizons, No Hope black shirt and metal boots but found that the people in this world didn't care much about her appearance, just as long as she didn't cause any trouble.

    Still, she had never bothered retracting the helmet when she arrived. Now, she was retracting it, revealing her face, which showed her skin was completely green and her light green eyes. The engineer walked towards the man, knowing he would see her immediately. "Hey. You're not from around here, are ya? Especially when you're acting so suspicious, being on edge."
    Strider Hiryu
    Strider Hiryu

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Strider Hiryu Fri Dec 20, 2019 4:59 pm

    Cain simply moved his head. He watched as a woman with black hair walked towards him, wearing the modern clothes he had come to associate with most world travelers. What was striking about her, was her green skin. He had never seen a green skinned person before. Cain wondered if she was human then shrugged. "But then again, I'm not human myself either."

    "Suspicious? Me?" He asked. "I am not the one with skin as green as yours. Especially in a place that doesn't posses many plants here." He didn't deny being on edge though. But started thinking on her comment on him being suspicious. Cain frowned as he recollected his actions earlier.

    Him taking the fruit without checking that the coast was clear, disappearing like that after tossing some munny to pay for the fruit and behaving as if someone was always watching him. His behavior simply made him more noticeable in a place that was completely unlike the Underworld. "I've marked myself. Foolish. I know I was being watched, but I doubt it was her. It could've been a native of this world keeping an eye on me due to my behavior though."

    "You're right, I'm not from around here." Cain replied. "I imagine you are like me, a Converger. My name is Cain."

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Gregzilla Fri Dec 20, 2019 5:50 pm

    Naito sighed, keeping his head down. He was used to doing so as he tried to keep out of sight, his own obsession with keeping under the radar often coloring his actions. Nonetheless, he knew something was likely going on, given this strange man's suspicious actions.

    He saw the woman, roughly his biological age, though he couldn’t get a close look from his angle. She was green of skin, seemingly naturally, with clothing of a location far from this one, likely another world. While she was of an unusual skin tone, she still was not deliberately acting suspicious in plain sight, so the Moon Tribesman was open to her perspective a bit more.

    Or was it that, from the angle he could get and the look on her face, he considered her attractive, especially with that armor she seemed to have self-constructed?

    No, it likely wasn’t that. Whichever the case, he began to mutter to an old companion of his, under his breath, asking him to stop before he had to make a scene.

    It seemed that the white-haired traveler would not intervene unless he was certain as to what was going on.
    Shining Goetia

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Shining Goetia Sat Dec 21, 2019 5:32 pm

    Kara frowned. While his comment made sense, she didn't like the tone behind the man's voice. Nor the fact that he simply kept quiet for a bit. She wasn't surprised at his admittance of not being from this world. Her surprise was more at his name. "Wait, Cain? Seriously? Your name is Cain?"

    She simply nodded, suddenly worried. When someone meets a guy named Cain, one does automatically assume they're trouble. The engineer did her best not to show her hesitation, figuring her surprise was more noticeable. "Anyway, yeah I'm a Converger. It's my third time in another world but my first time actually traveling to one of my own free will. The previous times were out of my control."

    Kara also didn't bother mentioning she has no idea how she got into these worlds. She already figured the Great Convergence was what got her into Tau Volantis, but she didn't know how she got sent to Radiant Garden. only that she lost her consciousness then woke up and was already there. "I'm guessing you're as new to this as I am."
    Strider Hiryu
    Strider Hiryu

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Strider Hiryu Wed Dec 25, 2019 1:41 pm

    "Yes? What's wrong with my name?" Cain asked. He was unaware of the stigma or history behind his name, having been born in essentially ancient Greece. Hence his confusion over Kara's reaction towards his first name. Still, she moved the conversation on before he could get an answer, essentially confirming what was obvious to him.

    "This is my first time traveling to a world as well. So yes, I am as new to this as you are." He answered in the affirmative. But then, with silent steps, he moved quickly close to the woman, probably surprising her. "You forgot to tell me your name. It's only good manners. I also have some questions for you, if you don't mind my asking them. First and important question: Are you from the Realm of Reality?"
    Shining Goetia

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Shining Goetia Wed Dec 25, 2019 5:35 pm

    Kara suddenly jumped back, not having expected Cain to move. And so fast either. She looked completely unnerved. And then came the question about where she came from. "Yesss?" The engineer answered. She was still put off by the silent movement the man in front of him did while answering that it was also his first time.

    "'s Kara, by the way." Kara replied. While a bit creeped out by Cain, he did have a point on manners. he did give his name to hear first so it was only fair. "Now how about you take a step back? Like several before I get angry." She was serious about getting angry. Kara hated the idea of someone being able to scare her that easily.

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Gregzilla Thu Dec 26, 2019 1:18 pm

    In spite of his conversation, Naito noticed the confrontation up above. He could not hear it from his distance, but he could see clearly enough to notice the woman first being mildly unnerved by something he said.

    The Moon Tribesman frowned deeper than usual. This situation wasn't his problem. The overt uses of magic in plain sight were being dealt with. He was better off staying out of other people's business to prevent hurting them.

    Only he noticed, unconsciously, he had been walking briskly toward the building, looking for a way up. It wasn’t his problem. Why was he bothering with trying to pretend he was some kind of savior? If someone were coming after him, making things difficult...

    The young man sighed, his voice likely too soft to be heard. What was he kidding? He was probably going to end up in a fight at some point, if his experience in the desert meant anything. Still, it was best to be absolutely sure on the nature of...

    That tone and phrasing, likely from the woman, was enough. Judging from his position, the accursed being was reasonably sure that he was positioned behind the man, unless he had moved. Relatively certain of his seclusion, he flexed muscles that were not those of any human, let alone any of the normal Moon Tribe. Something stretched out from beneath his armored clothing: a pair of additional limbs, one glowing white, the other skeletal and dark. Gripping the edge of the roof, they pulled him up, retracting beneath his armor once he had finished gripping. Climbing the rest of the way, he ended up standing behind the man, telekinetically calling his custom-built pistol, Haji, to his crystalline left hand. He wasn’t going to raise it or draw attention to himself...

    No, he was already in this situation. That, and he had hair as white as snow and bright blue eyes, so he was past hiding regardless in this situation. The only reason the shopkeepers hadn’t thought it too much of an issue was that they seemed to deal with odd folks every day or were too shocked by the mysteriously disappearing man.

    So there was no more waiting and seeing once he was out in the open. So Naito spoke, his voice soft, but firm.

    "Step. Away."
    Strider Hiryu
    Strider Hiryu

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Strider Hiryu Mon Dec 30, 2019 3:59 pm

    Before Cain could say anything, he heard a firm, soft voice from behind spit out two words. To step away. He looked back to see a young man with white, snowy hair and bright blue eyes. "Another Converger?" Cain wondered, looking at him. He didn't like being threatened, but at the same time he didn't want unnecessary trouble right now. So he simply stepped away from Kara.

    "At least I have her name."" He noted to himself mentally. "There. I'm away. Now who are you? You just don't tell someone to step away for no good reason." Cain kept an eye on the newcomer but hadn't forgotten the green skinned woman either. He managed to glance at her and add. "My apologies for startling you." His gaze then returned to the snowy blue in front of him.
    Shining Goetia

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Shining Goetia Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:13 pm

    Kara was also surprised at the sudden voice telling Cain to step away. Looking at the direction of the voice, she saw a guy with hair as white as snow and bright, blue eyes. The eyes were the first thing that got her attention, looking right at them. She found them to be quite entrancing. Her gaze lowered a bit then noticed what he had on his hip. It was a gun, but not like any gun she has ever seen before. It's design was completely different than anything else she had seen since becoming a Converger. "Granted, i didn't see much nor many weapons." The engineer noted to herself mentally.

    She was shaken out of her slight stupor as she watched Cain step away carelessly, without even looking worried. Kara wondered if he didn't notice the gun that was on the snowy haired man's waist. "I'm guessing from his perspective, he couldn't see it." The engineer thought to herself, letting out a sigh of relief she didn't know she had been holding. She was surprised when he said an apology to her and simply nodded. "He has a point. You got a name, stranger? Not that I don't appreciate the help though. Still, I can handle myself but thanks anyway."

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Gregzilla Wed Jan 01, 2020 6:48 pm

    The Moon Tribesman was immediately struck by a simple fact: he had next to no idea what he was doing. Sure, he was of the opinion that the woman was in danger, but that did not seem to be the case.

    What an idiot I am.

    Still, he did not let any of his frustration show. Instead, he decided to answer the woman, though he was also paying attention to the man. "Naito." He did not give any surname, having none of his own. He figured they had given each other their names, but the first words he had deliberately heard were those of the woman asking the man to step away, so he knew he was behind and saw no reason to press the issue. He also wasn't going to accept thanks just yet, considering he hadn't quite done anything by that point, but was in no mood to say anything as such.

    Instead, he turned his focus to the apparent assailant man. "Theft in plain sight, invisibility magic in the land of genies, and attempting to hide up on a rooftop. Marks of a runaway, or a fugitive. From where?"

    His tone was not cold, nor was it inquisitive in general. It was merely a statement of facts before the final question, making absolutely clear what he thought was wrong with this picture. He was well aware that there was more to this picture, including the apparent harassment, but he wanted to get that out of the way first, perhaps giving enough time for him to figure out exactly what was going on.
    Strider Hiryu
    Strider Hiryu

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Strider Hiryu Sun Jan 05, 2020 5:07 pm

    Cain kept the name of snowy blue memorized, keeping his eyes on him. "Naito. And he said no last name. I'll remember that and his appearance as well.." He blinked as that same man looked at him, wondering what he wanted. And frowned as he revealed he was the one watching him earlier. Cain knew his instincts had been right, but hadn't expected his tendency to hide and sneak to backfire on him. He knew he could either deny it or play dumb, but didn't think someone who he hadn't noticed until now will fall for it. "...the Underworld."

    Cain decided to answer truthfully. Not the whole truth though, just enough of it to satisfy their curiosity. So he continued. "I was but one of many dead souls until the Convergence brought me back. But I had to spend my time hiding from the lord of the dead. I was constantly chased by Hades' guard dog, a three headed beast called Cerberus. Eventually, I was finally able to leave, acquire a ship and started traveling. it'll take me a while to adjust to constantly on guard, but it's good to not be chased for my life for once. I did learn about the Convergence, the realms and everything else when I began traveling." Done giving his explanation, he looked at the two. "Also, I paid for that fruit in the end, so it can't be considered theft."
    Shining Goetia

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Shining Goetia Wed Jan 08, 2020 5:19 pm

    Kara watched as Naito, the guy who just arrived list off some things that Cain had apparently done earlier in the day. she frowned as the mentions of the blonde man's shenanigans weren't painting him in a good light. Not to mention it just made him more suspicious. The engineer found her frown disappearing as she heard Cain's explanation. "If he was a prisoner of that flame head, I can't really blame him for his behavior."

    Kara continued hearing the explanation and simply nodded once he finished. "Wait a minute." She spoke out to get their attention, looking at Cain. "That's what you're taking offense to from what he said? That you paid for the fruit in the end. That doesn't change the fact that you stole from a shopkeeper. Not to mention you not caring about the other things he said means you're essentially admitting to it since you're not defending yourself." The engineer replied her concerns. "You're lucky we're telling you this instead of letting you get into trouble, you know. I mean I'm new to this myself. I imagine Naito here is somewhat similar. if I were you, I'd learn, fast."

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Gregzilla Wed Jan 08, 2020 7:18 pm

    Naito wasn't one to distrust someone based on their previous affiliation. Nor was he one to disregard their threat level based upon the same, either. As such, his expression more or less stayed exactly the same, even as he put away his weapon without a word. He had no overall concept of which Underworld this man belonged to, but it didn't matter to him one way or the other. The domains of the divine weren't his to trust or even listen to, so why bother figuring out if this man deserved any of what happened to him, be it a beneficial afterlife or a detrimental one?

    Instead, after hearing the response (and eventual excuse) by the man, he waited for the reply by the woman. She was right in some ways, and not exactly correct in others, but it was close enough for him. The fact that she was more taking his side than the other man's also helped, though he didn't see himself as worth defending in any case.

    That done, he finally spoke in the same soft tone, though by that point changing from accusatory or threatening in his manner than subdued and sullen.

    "Draw attention to yourself, and you draw attention to other outsiders." He let it stay at that, quiet again. He knew criminals would do as they would, but all he wanted was not to get into trouble for someone else's crimes. He had enough of his own.
    Strider Hiryu
    Strider Hiryu

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Strider Hiryu Mon Jan 13, 2020 7:59 am

    Cain gave Kara an odd look. He wondered why it bothered her that he did end up paying for something he took in the end. "As for me not defending myself, he already saw me. To deny it right now would simply make me more suspicious. Better to admit the small crimes than be blamed for bigger ones." He thought to himself. He did nod in reply to Naito's comment about drawing attention. One would need to be careful not to show their hand, in case it's used against him. "In fact..."

    Cain cleared his throat to get their attention. "I have an idea about that. I heard about this cave filled with riches in the desert. Why not investigate this place? We would be out of the view of the folk who live in this world. And if there are heartless, it would be good practice for combat. I intended to go alone before but there is safety in numbers. What do you say?" He explained, more to Kara than Naito. From what he gathered of the snowy haired man, he didn't like attention and was already wary of him. The green skinned woman, on the other hand, was giving him the benefit of the doubt. As such, he made the decision to focus his words on her even though it was directed at the two.

    If they said yes, he'd get to learn more about the worlds and their abilities in case he ended up in a confrontation with them. If not, then Cain would simply drop it and take his leave to avoid any more suspicions on him. "The way I see it, I still profit from this either way."
    Shining Goetia

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Shining Goetia Tue Jan 14, 2020 2:00 pm

    Kara frowned when she heard Cain have a proposal. Already, she was wary of what he would say, but her wariness was soon replaced with interest as he mentioned the Cave of Wonders itself. She was not a subtle person so the interest was evident on her face for both men to see. "I know the cave you're talking about. I'm in." The engineer replied, eager to try out her magic against an opponent that wasn't... "Gotta stop thinking about that. That asshole made things harder in canon. ...but I failed to stop him from deleting the info."

    Shaking her head, Kara looked over at Naito. "How about you? Want to come?" She asked, even though Cain had already asked the two. The engineer had the feeling that if it was just the blonde man, he would say no. And she still felt a bit wary of Cain so having someone else nearby would be a relief. And she was also curious about him as well. "After all, you don't meet a white haired, blue eyed guy everyday, do you." She mentally noted.

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Gregzilla Tue Jan 14, 2020 6:58 pm

    When the man spoke up, Naito listened, quiet as ever. Of course, he had no real reason to search through the area, and this fugitive was exceptionally shifty. Furthermore, as far as he had heard, this cave, presumably the lion-esque cavern out in the desert, was not one to which they could walk without spending days, perhaps even weeks out in the desert. Such a situation was not one he was willing to withstand alone with this unknown factor.

    However, the woman gave her assent, and even seemed to be excited by the prospect of going to this cave. Aside from making a mental note to reassess her in terms of intelligence when contrasted against her apparent benevolence, he just sighed. What would be, would be, and he was not going to let her go there with this apparent stranger alone. Besides, it was best he was able to figure out who he was capable of seeing as less threatening to him personally.

    Finally, he gave his answer. "Okay."

    (You can skip ahead, either of you, if you want.)
    Strider Hiryu
    Strider Hiryu

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Strider Hiryu Fri Jan 17, 2020 5:08 pm

    (I'll skip ahead)


    Cain looked up at the cave entrance, impressed with the shape of the tiger head it had. To him, it truly gave the impression of an intimidating entrance to a place unseen by mortal eyes. "The entrance is nicer than the Underworld's though." Getting off his camel, he left it tied up near a palm tree and watched the cave as the others did the same. "The coast seems clear."

    The blonde man looked around again, expecting Heartless to appear at any moment. And yet, none did, only the sounds of the sandy winds blowing and the swishing of camel tails. He simply waited for the two to finish with their camels to start the exploration.
    Shining Goetia

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Shining Goetia Mon Jan 20, 2020 1:22 pm

    "That's good" Kara replied, also tying her camel up. While she knew they would have to fight Heartless sooner or later, she did not want an ambush so soon after arriving. Especially since they came by camel and not magic carpet. The engineer knew they would scare the camels and while they wouldn't get stranded if there was a Save Point in the Cave, it would make returning to Agrabah annoying if they ran back to the camel owner and he complained about them letting the camels loose in the desert.

    Kara had taken advantage of the trip to introduce Cain and herself to Naito. She figured this way, it was better for him to call them by name if anything happened instead of saying Hey or Hey you, or sir and ma'am. The engineer noted he didn't talk much though. "Makes sense. We're all strangers here and he's the only one obvious about being cautious." She also had wore her helmet during the trip to protect her from the heat, retracting it now that they were in front of the Cave of Wonders. "Coast definitely looks clear. We'll go inside as soon as Naito's finished."

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Gregzilla Thu Jan 23, 2020 4:25 pm

    As night fell during their ride, Naito had become rather tense. He hated the nighttime, always could feel something watching him. However, it mostly presented itself as being wary of the area, and he did not believe he had let his apprehension be known by the time they had tied the camels to a nearby rock. As far as he knew, there were no predators anywhere around, so they were safe leaving this group for the time being.

    Kara, the young woman, had introduced herself and the man, Cain, allowing some better identification of them. It was better than nothing, especially given that the Moon Tribesman wouldn't have asked them himself. He had taken some time to step away, taking a deep breath and quell his anxiety while still within distance to see, but perhaps not to hear.

    "I know," he muttered under his breath, looking to the tiger-shaped cavern mouth. It appeared to be enchanted in some way, but he was unable to discern exactly what means without proper tools and time, both of which were not on his side at the moment, the former more pressingly. "I would, but too many unknown factors."

    Having stopped talking to whoever he spoke with here, Naito walked back to the others, looking into the illuminated entrance to the apparent sandstone entryway. He would let this "Cain" lead the way, unsure about such a fugitive as of yet.
    Strider Hiryu
    Strider Hiryu

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    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Strider Hiryu Fri Jan 31, 2020 6:25 pm

    Cain looked at the two to be sure they were done and walked himself first into the Cave itself. Despite the stairs being made of sand, he found them hard and steady, safe to walk down. He continued going down the stairs, soon seeing the end in sight, but still keeping his guard up. His past experiences told him Heartless would always appear in caves to attack anyone traversing them.

    At the end of the stairs, Cain found himself in a large hall, with boulders rolling down out of a statue connected to a wall, one on one, falling down below, more stairs leading down ahead to the right and besides it, a path leading ahead to another room in the cave itself. He could see why it was known as the Cave of Wonders, if there was such a huge structure underground without sand filling it all up. "Magic was involved in making a place like this."

    It was at this moment that several creatures appeared from a small portal of black mists. A lot of them where medium sizes, head covered in turbans except their yellow eyes, each one wielding a sword, a few were also shaped like bells, two red, one blue and one yellow one, and finally, two female dressed in dancer clothes, floating on crystal balls. "It seems Heartless have finally appeared."

    He considered using his magic at first, but decided not to. Cain wanted to see what both Kara and Naito were capable of, he took out his makhaira dagger, already in mid charge. He slashed at the Bandit in front of parried a slash from the one on his right and dodged away from an ice spell from a Fortune Teller.

    Last edited by Strider Hiryu on Sat Feb 08, 2020 9:02 am; edited 1 time in total
    Shining Goetia

    Posts : 137
    Join date : 2019-08-19

    Desert Winds Empty Re: Desert Winds

    Post by Shining Goetia Wed Feb 05, 2020 12:31 pm

    "Definitely." Kara replied absentmindedly, more focused at looking at her surroundings. They were inside one of the halls of the cave itself, although it wasn't the hall she was expecting them to enter. "Makes sense it's bigger when you're actually there." Her thoughts were interrupted as Heartless suddenly appeared in front of the group.

    "Shit!" The engineer cursed as she took out her weapon, her plasma cutter. At first, she aimed at the Bandits but seeing Cain already in melee with one of them made her hesitate. She readjusted her aim at one of the Fortune Tellers and fired, a wave of plasma hitting her dead on and slicing off part of the crystal ball she was riding. But Heartless aren't flesh and blood, so they were a bit more resistant to being sliced by her weapon. Just a bit as she fired again and the Fortune Teller was cut in half before dissipating into a vanishing heart.

    Kara considered trying out to see if she had any magic. But decided to leave that for another battle. She had, of course already tried it out thanks to Merlin's help but didn't know if it would work in a magical cave of all things. The engineer instead focused on dealing with the flying targets, starting with the Red Nocturnes. She really did not want to deal with fire spells and fired at them, Plasma cutter set in the horizontal order to avoid hitting Naito and Cain.

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